Quit Smoking

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Help me quit smoking

As of Wednesday 1 June 2022, providing you live in Cheshire West and Chester, or visit a GP within the borough, you can now refer yourself to our quit smoking service without visiting your GP.

Welcome to the Go SmokeFree programme at Brio Wellbeing, your trusted ally in breaking free from smoking once and for all!

Are you tired of feeling chained to cigarettes, longing to break free but not sure where to start? We understand the struggle all too well. But guess what? You’re not alone, and help is right here at your fingertips.

At Brio, we’re dedicated to supporting you on your journey to becoming SmokeFree. Our tailored programs are crafted to meet your specific needs, whether you’ve been smoking for years or are just beginning to contemplate quitting. With our expert guidance and personalised support, you’ll gain the tools and confidence to conquer the habit. We provide up to 12 weeks’ worth of products to ease withdrawal symptoms, ensuring you have everything you need to succeed.

And here’s the best part: if you’ve smoked in the last 2 weeks, our scheme is FREE and open to anyone over the age of 12 who lives in Cheshire West and Chester! We have over 20 clinics at a range of times and venues, meaning you can access the support you need with ease.

So why wait any longer? Take charge of your health and embrace a SmokeFree life today. Say farewell to cigarettes and hello to a brighter, healthier future with Brio.


Want to know more before giving it a go? Here are some quick quit smoking aids that can help you get started.

Ready to give it a go? Fill out your details here and one of our Hub Referral Advisors will be in touch with you shortly.

Frequently Asked QuestionsOpen

Is there a waiting list?

We will be in touch within 48 hours of receiving your referral and will find a convenient time for your first appointment.

Can my carer come with me?

Yes! Your carer is more than welcome to come with you to help you during your time with us.

How much does it cost?

The great news is that all Nicotine Replacement Therapy, which includes patches, gums, sprays and other types are completely free! Other treatments are available, for which there may be a prescription charge if you normally pay.

Where will my visits take place?

We have venues across Cheshire West and Chester, so you can find a location that’s easy to get to. If you are unable to leave your home, we can discuss whether we can support you in another way. We will work with you to find a solution that works for you.