Falls prevention

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Falls prevention

As you get older, your risk of falling increases, as do the dangers associated with a fall. Our Falls Prevention service is designed to help keep you standing strong and avoid any unnecessary trips or injuries.

Anyone eligible for the service will receive up to 25 weeks access to our Better Balance classes, designed to improve your strength and balance. Classes are available at several community venues across the borough. Our instructors will talk you through everything and even provide you with exercises you can do in your own home too.

Our programmes incur a prescription charge unless eligible for specific benefits. For further details, please contact our team.

Falls cost the NHS around £2.3 billion a year, therefore profoundly affecting healthcare costs.

Frequently Asked QuestionsOpen

Is there a waiting list?

We will be in touch within 48 hours of receiving your referral and will find a convenient time for your first appointment.

Can my carer come with me?

Yes! Your carer is more than welcome to come with you to help you during your time with us.

How long will I be with you?

The full course of classes is 25 weeks.

Am I eligible for the Falls Prevention service?

Are you a resident or registered with a GP within Cheshire West & Chester?


Am I eligible for the Falls Prevention service?

Are you aged 65 or over?

You are not eligible

Cheshire Change Hub services are only available to residents of Cheshire West and Chester, or those registered with GP’s in the area.

You may be able to find similar services in your own area, and we also have some general information which may be of interest to you.

Be Healthy

Am I eligible for the Falls Prevention service?

Do you believe you are at risk of a fall or have poor mobility?

You are eligible

Can I refer myself?No, a GP needs to refer you to Cheshire Change Hub.

On a GPs referral you will receive:

  • 25 weeks of Better Balance sessions (2 x 1 hour sessions per week) based in leisure centres and community venues
  • Exercises to complete at home
  • Access to web advice and support

You are not eligible

You are not eligible for this scheme BUT you can still get help and support from Cheshire Change Hub, contact us today to find out more information.

Find Out More
Call 0300 777 0033

Can I refer myself

No, your GP will need to refer you for this service

Speak to your GP to find out about a referral

Speak to your GP to find out about a referral