Go Sober for October

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Go Sober for October

Test your self-control with Go Sober for October! Say no to drinking for 31 days and see how long you can last.

Go Sober for October is quitting drinking for a month to show your support for those with cancer; all money you raise throughout the month is towards Macmillan Cancer Support.

Benefits of Going Sober

  • No hangovers = more spare time! Enjoy waking up without the headaches and more time to go out with friends in the day, or head out on a family trip.
  • Sleeping is so much better when you aren’t drinking! With a better sleeping plan, you have more energy to start your day.
  • Not having to buy drinks will start to show in your bank statements! Imagine all the money you can save from going sober, more money towards the house or holiday.
  • With clearer skin and head, going sober builds a healthier you!

Go Sober for October is all about testing social drinkers; if you want to take part but are a heavier drinker, please speak to your GP before doing so.

Tips for keeping sober

  • Make sure you have a supportive group of friends and family around to cheer you on! Even better, rope some of them in and get a team together.
  • Think of the people you are doing it for when it gets tough! Thinking of the money you’re raising, and the good cause it’s for will help you through the trickier times.
  • You are raising awareness with every drink you turn away; this will help people see what you’re doing, and maybe they’ll donate!
  • Become a designated driver, or taxi service, for the month. Instead of charging for lifts, ask them to donate the money they would be paying you!

If you have a birthday or a wedding in October, you can buy a golden ticket from the Go Sober for October website. £15 can pay you for a night off to celebrate with friends – but see if you can last the whole month!

On the Go Sober for October website, there are so many ideas to help you fundraise and share that you’re taking part.