Dry January

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Dry January

Are you taking on the challenge this month? Every year people across the UK kick-start the new year by going alcohol-free for one month and enjoy all the benefits this comes with!


Why should I do Dry January?

There are lots of benefits from going alcohol free for 31 days, you’ll start to notice the difference quickly! Of those who take part:

  • 70% slept better
  • 86% saved more money
  • 65% noticed a general improvement in their health and wellbeing

There are many health benefits:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Reduced levels of cancer-related proteins in the blood

On top of this, extensive research has been conducted into the long-term effects of Dry January, which show that people are living happier and healthier lives and are in control of their drinking habits. Research conducted by the University of Sussex found that six months after completing the Dry January challenge, over 70% are drinking more healthily and feel like their wellbeing has improved.

Completing Dry January has shown many people that you don’t need alcohol to have fun or socialise!


How can I get involved?

Alcohol Change UK have all the resources you’ll need for a fun and successful Dry January!

  • Download their free ‘Try Dry’ app to support you through an alcohol-free month. The app tracks the units, calories and money you save and helps you understand your drinking pattern.
  • Take this interactive quiz to find out the impact of alcohol on your brain and body.
  • Go dry for charity – if you’d like to get involved with fundraising, click here for all the resources you’ll need!


Useful links:

  • Alcohol Change UK have a ‘Dry January blog’ full of top tips and motivational stories.
  • Take a look at the ‘Try Dry’ guide, the official Dry January guide from Alcohol Change UK!
  • You can find alcohol support via the NHS.